
President Hu hopes to witness HK's development during visit

時(shí)間:2012-06-29 13:25   來源:Xinhua

Chinese President Hu Jintao (C) delivers a speech upon his arrival at Hong Kong International Airport in Hong Kong, south China, June 29, 2012. Chinese President Hu Jintao arrived here Friday to attend the celebrations marking the 15th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland and the swearing-in ceremony of the fourth-term government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). (Xinhua/Xie Huanchi)

HONG KONG -- Chinese President Hu Jintao said here Friday that he hopes to witness Hong Kong's latest development and progress while having a better understanding of local people's life and expectations during his stay in Hong Kong.

Hu made the remarks upon his arrival at the Hong Kong international airport for a three-day trip to attend the celebrations marking the 15th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland and swearing-in ceremony of the fourth-term government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.




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