
Swiss band plays to Expo visitors

時(shí)間:2010-09-15 15:07   來源:SRC-5677

The Meyrin-Geneva Municipal Brass Band entertains visitors at the Geneva-Zurich-Basel Pavilion with a fusion of classic, jazz and modern rhyme.

The Meyrin-Geneva Municipal Brass Band entertains visitors at the Geneva-Zurich-Basel Pavilion with a fusion of classic, jazz and modern rhyme.

The Meyrin-Geneva Municipal Brass Band entertains visitors at the Geneva-Zurich-Basel Pavilion with a fusion of classic, jazz and modern rhyme.

The Meyrin-Geneva Municipal Brass Band entertained visitors at the Geneva-Zurich-Basel Pavilion with a fusion of classic, jazz and modern rhyme yesterday.

Their program included Moment for Morricone, the Beatles, and St. Louis Blues.

Founded in 1908, the band consists of 49 musicians and is the most popular band in Le Kiosque à Musique, a famous musical program in Switzerland.




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