
USA Pavilion receives 5 millionth visitor

時間:2010-09-07 15:53   來源:SRC-5677

The USA Pavilion achieves a record attendance of 5 million visitors. A man surnamed Lv from Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, becomes the lucky 5 millionth visitor and receives a calligraphy scroll as souvenir.

The USA Pavilion achieved a record attendance of 5 million visitors today. A man surnamed Lv from Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, became the lucky 5 millionth visitor and received a calligraphy scroll as souvenir.

The Chinese writing on the scroll says "The USA Pavilion stays in your heart." It was written by the pavilion's student ambassador, Yoav Oren, who has spent nearly 10 years studying Chinese culture and martial arts.

"It was a great surprise. I really like this gift that symbolizes the friendship between Chinese and American people. The USA Pavilion is actually on the top of my list for the Expo tour," Zhang said with a big grin.

The USA Pavilion has been receiving on average 45,000 visitors a day and expects its attendance to exceed 7 million at the end of the World Expo.




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