
Latin America and Caribbean Month celebrated

時間:2010-09-01 14:16   來源:SRC-5677

Dressed in their national costumes, the staff of the Colombia Pavilion perform dances to the music of Cumbia at the International Council of Museums (ICOM) Pavilion.

A girl with the International Council of Museums Pavilion presents pins to commissioner general of the Colombia Pavilion.

The performance draws big applauses from viewers.

Visitors follow the steps of Cumbia dancers on the stage.

Dressed in their national costumes, the staff of the Colombia Pavilion performed dances to the music of Cumbia yesterday at the International Council of Museums (ICOM) Pavilion where the Latin America and Caribbean Month was celebrated.

The performance drew big applauses from viewers and some even followed the steps of Cumbia dancers on the stage. A 3D film about Colombia's sceneries and heritages was also screened at the pavilion.

In September, the ICOM Pavilion will host the Oceanian Month.

The ICOM Pavilion explores the interdependence and interaction between museums and the city in culture, society, economy, innovation and environment.

Remarkably simple and modern in design, the pavilion has a circular atrium that serves both as an exhibition area and an activity venue. A video screen in the back creates a sensational setting of a modern museum.




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