
Hainan Week promotes ethnic brocade

時(shí)間:2010-08-10 14:15   來源:SRC-5677

Guo Kai, an expert on Li brocade, gives the lecture.

As one of the Expo 2010 Hainan Week activities, a lecture was held yesterday at Shanghai Library to let more people appretiate the beautiful brocade made by Li people, an ethnic minority in Hainan Province.

With a history of more than 2,000 years, the handmade brocade is the pride and a cultural heritage for the Li people in Hainan Province. In recent years, two autonomous counties inhabited by Li and Miao people have made efforts to develop the brocade trade.

Guo Kai, an expert on Li brocade, described the techniques employed in making the brocade and its place in the history of Chinese arts.




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